Heinola resident Mikko Ojapalo, has known about Heinola Sawmill Machinery from a young age since his father Antti Ojapalo has long worked for the company. Father and son now work for the same company since Mikko started work in spare parts sales at HEINOLA service. But let Mikko himself tell what type of guy he is and what he thinks about Heinola as a workplace.
“I knew where I was coming when I came to HSM. I studied process and material technology on the timber side in Lahti and graduated as an engineer in spring 2021. When I was a student, dad asked if I wanted to know what it looks like to make a sawmill and took me to Heinola to find out.”
The forest is deeply rooted in my family.
“The forest is deeply rooted in my family. One of my grandfathers worked in the forest industry and another managed a forest alongside farming. And so the forest has had a strong presence in my life when growing up.”
Internship leads to a permanent job
“When I was a student I asked if I could do my thesis on chipper canters and they agreed. I was allowed to do my thesis work alongside my work as an office assistant and so I learnt about the places and systems then. After graduation I was hired as a summer worker in spare parts sales and became a spare parts salesperson about a year afterwards.
Since Heinola’s history dates back more than 50 years, spare parts are sold for many very different projects.
I love my job. It’s really diverse and fascinating. Since Heinola’s history dates back more than 50 years, we sell spare parts for many very different projects completed over the decades. Sawmills are long lived and so I’ve been able to really delve into the archives. I really like the fact that I can get a wide perspective of the forest industry in this way.”
Working together is at the heart of everything
“I think it’s great working for Heinola. Here you get to work with almost everyone. If there’s something I don’t know, help is always close at hand and everyone here is ready to help each other. There’s a really broad range of expertise.”
In my free time, my hobbies include fishing, hunting and golf. Everyday life also involves times with friends and long dog walks.”